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MPU Celebrates Start of 2024/2025 Academic Year with Grand Opening Ceremony

MPU Celebrates Start of the 2024/2025 Academic Year 

Yesterday, August 20, MPU welcomed 2,700 new students from Macao SAR, the Greater Bay Area, across China, Portuguese-speaking countries, and beyond in a vibrant opening ceremony marking the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year. The event featured flag-raising, the national anthem, and an inaugural lecture. Rector Im Sio Kei inspired the new cohort with a powerful message to value their heritage, embrace patriotism, and contribute actively to the development of their country and region... Read More


MPU Students Gain Fruitful Learning Experience at the University of Cambridge, UK 

MPU Students Gain Fruitful Learning Experience at Cambridge University, UK 

The Student Affairs Office has organised the "2024 Summer Interdisciplinary and Leadership Camp in Cambridge, UK", which provided a diversified learning experience for the students. During the two-week study and visit at Cambridge University, MPU students were able to enhance their knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and leadership, as well as learn about the historical background and culture of the UK... Read More


MPU Wins First Prize in the Final of 19th Cross-Strait and Hong Kong-Macao University Student Computer Innovation Competition

MPU Wins First Prize in the Final of 19th Cross-Strait and Hong Kong-Macao University Student Computer Innovation Competition

The "2024 (19th) Cross-Strait and Hong Kong-Macao University Student Computer Innovation Competition" were held recently, which provided a platform for national young talents to compete and cooperate in science and technology. 16 teams from higher education institutions won the first prize, including Macao Polytechnic University, Guangdong University of Technology, and Hong Kong Baptist University, etc. This year's competition attracted nearly 10,000 students from more than 300 universities, with a total of 1,679 projects, demonstrating the creativity and technological strength of young students nationwide... Read More


A Voyage Through Sino-Lusophone Cultural Exchange with Professor Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho

A Voyage Through Sino-Lusophone Cultural Exchange
with Professor Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho

Professor Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho, an esteemed expert in Sino-Lusophone relations, has spent decades advancing this specialised academic field. Currently serving as Programme Coordinator of PhD in Portuguese at MPU. He has been instrumental in enhancing cultural understanding and exchanges between China and Portugal. Born in Portugal, Professor Carvalho has developed a deep connection with Chinese culture and has been fundamental in forging cross-cultural bridges. What unique perspectives does he offer on the evolution, opportunities, and future directions of Sino-Lusophone cooperation?... Read More


The "16th Macao- Wide IT Competition - 3D Programming and Animation Contest"
The "16th Macao- Wide IT Competition - 3D Programming and Animation Contest"

The competition was highly competitive, attracting over 100 team entries. The theme of this edition was "Cultural Richness in Macao". Participants used 3D programming and animation to showcase the rich history of cultural exchange between China and the West in Macao, highlighting the value of cultural preservation. Instructors from the Computer Science programme at MPU provided pre-competition training and guidance for the participants...

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MPU organises "2024 Future Leaders Training" Summer Camp
MPU organises "2024 Future Leaders Training" Summer Camp

The "2024 Future Leaders Training" Summer Camp, in which outstanding students from Beijing participated in the five-day study activities at MPU. The activities included a series of lecture experiences, workshops, and field trips. Through knowledge learning and field trips, the students were able to learn about the successful practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Macao, the historical heritage of Macao's blending of Chinese and Western cultures, and the current development of Macao's diversified economy...

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MPU Researchers Study the Relationship Between High-Spending Customer Loyalty and Integrated Resort Casinos
MPU Researchers Study the Relationship Between High-Spending Customer Loyalty and Integrated Resort Casinos

MPU Associate Professor Dr. Chunli Ji, along with student Inman Lei and scholars overseas, has published a paper in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. The paper, titled "Build Trust, They Will Come: The Case of Casino High Rollers," explores the relationship between high-spending customers' loyalty and integrated resort casinos...

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08, 2024
Library Book Exhibition 22: AI - Changing the World with Intelligent Technology
(Open till 2024/08/31)
09, 2024
The 8th World Chinese-Portuguese Translation Competition 
(Open for Application)


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